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Wednesday, September 03, 2014

オリバー・ストーンらが呼びかける辺野古新基地計画中止と普天間基地返還を求める国際署名、まだの人は9月7日までに署名ください! Please sign if you haven't, to the international petition campaign to stop the new military base construction in Okinawa


写真提供: 琉球新報社




We will close the International Okinawa petition campaign on September 7 - please sign and spread if you haven't!

Thank you for those who signed this petition and helped spread it. The organizers of this petition - Peter Kuznick, Joseph Gerson, and Satoko Oka Norimatsu were in Okinawa in August, and on August 12, the three visited Al Magleby, US Consul General in Okinawa and delivered the petition to him. Joseph Gerson said, "Many people in the US are very concerned with what the country is doing in Okinawa" when he handed the thick print-out of the petition and the physical signatures that our colleagues collected on streets, which seemed to surprise Mr. Magleby. Now we are getting ready to deliver the petition signatures to the Japanese government. For that, we decided to close our campaign on September 7. Please help spread the word and we will try to get as many signatures as possible by September 7. Thank you!!!

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